Ohio State University's Shashi Collection

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Comprising more than 3,000 titles and covering a wide range of industries and services, Ohio State's collection of Japanese company histories is a major research resource on Japanese business and culture.


Using Ohio State's Shashi collection

Japanese company histories in the Ohio State University Libraries collections are cataloged in the library catalog where they can be searched by title, subject, keyword, etc. Most are available for circulation and/or use on the premises according to the Libraries' policies. They can also be searched in OCLC's Worldcat and are available through [1].


Origins of the collection

Ohio State's shashi collection began in 1984 with the purchase of over 800 titles from Nagatoya (a used book store in Kanda Jinbocho, Tokyo) with funding provided from two sources: 1) donated funds from the founder of the Honda Corporation, Soichiro Honda, made at the time he received an honorary doctorate from Ohio State; 2) a special allocation that University President Edward M. Jennings made available that year to the Libraries.

The original idea to collect Japanese company histories was suggested by Professor Bradley M. Richardson, Director of the Institute for Japanese Studies. A proposal to acquire Nagatoya's current stock of shashi with a portion of the special funds was made by the Japanese studies librarian and accepted by the library administration. With the recent arrival of Honda of America Manufacturing to Ohio, the Libraries welcomed the opportunity to develop research resources on Japanese business and culture. The Japan Publications Trading Company, Ltd. handled the transaction on the Libraries' behalf.

オハイオ州立大学における社史コレクションは、1984年に神田の古書店、長門屋書房から800冊購入したことから始まりました。その際の資金は、当時オハイオ州立大学から名誉博士号を受けた、本田技研工業株式会社の創業者である本田宗一郎氏からの寄付金と、当時のEdward M. Jennings学長が図書館向けに割り当てた特別会計によるものでした。

日本の社史を集めることは、日本研究所所長を務めるBradley M. Richardson教授により最初に提案されました。特別資金の一部を使って、当時長門屋にあった社史を手に入れようという提案は、日本学部司書および図書館責任者の承認を受けました。また、(株)ホンダ・オブ・アメリカ・マニュファクチュアリングのオハイオ営業所開設に伴い、大学図書館として日本のビジネス・文化研究のための資料が増えることを歓迎しました。 当図書館に代わって、(株)日本出版貿易が書籍の入手を引き受けてくれました。


In November 1984 an exhibit of shashi was held in Ohio State's Main Library to commemorate a donation from Honda of books in Japanese and English supporting Japanese studies.


Ongoing collection development

Beginning in the late 1980s, the Libraries began contacting Japanese companies directly to request donations of their company histories for the collection. The response from Japanese companies has been overwhelmingly positive and supportive. Without their cooperation this collection could not have been achieved!

Correspondence with Japanese companies has been handled mainly by graduate student assistants (GAAs) and other students working under the direction of the Japanese studies librarian. Form letters are used to simplify the process. An archive of the correspondence is being maintained.

Donations of shashi have also been received from Japanese libraries who made their duplicates available to help build this collection. Their cooperation has also been essential to the success of this project.

Donations of shashi are greatly appreciated. Please use the following address:

The Ohio State University Libraries
Japanese Company History Collection
1858 Neil Avenue Mall
Columbus, OH 43210-1286 USA

Or contact the Japanese studies librarian, Maureen Donovan, by email.

In addition to the shashi received as donations, each year some shashi are also acquired by purchase, either from the companies (which charge in some cases) or from used book dealers.





The Ohio State University Libraries
Japanese Company History Collection
1858 Neil Avenue Mall
Columbus, OH 43210-1286 USA

何かございましたら、日本学部司書のMaureen DonovanまでEメールでお知らせください。


Shashi collection databases and wiki

A database constructed initially as a means of keeping track of correspondence and acquisitions was revised into web pages and posted in 1995, a pioneering effort to promote awareness of these research materials. This was enhanced with scans of some tables of contents. In 1997 the data was incorporated into a searchable database. Unfortunately no additions to that database were possible after 1999. The library's catalog therefore provides the best access to the collection.

This wiki project is being initiated as the successor to the earlier databases. The goal is to promote awareness of shashi, coordinate with other librarians, support the activities of the Shashi Interest Group, and reach out to researchers in a more interactive way.


